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Fly Casting Skills Development - Bronze
Fly Casting Skills Development - Bronze
March 22, 2024 9am to 11am
Service Description
Welcome to Fly Casting Skills Development Bronze At our school of fly fishing, we understand the importance of mastering the art of fly casting to enhance your fishing experience. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, our casting clinics cover all the essential fundamentals to help you cast with precision and finesse. Join us to perfect your casting and increase your chances of landing any kind of fish you are targeting. This is a journey of many lessons to get better at casting for fishing. Each level, Bronze, Silver and Gold will give you more casting skills for fishing. After completing each level you will be given a completion pin from the FFI (Fly Fishers International) that says you have completed that level. Practicing is required. Bronze Level: This level presents instruction and drills to establish foundation skills for learning to cast a fly rod and form a casting loop that takes the fly to the fish. These foundation skills help us understand loop formation, loop control, accuracy, and changing direction. It is meant for all fly anglers needing to learn or improve fundamental skills. The guidance of a certified casting instructor will be helpful. B1. 35 ft. Pick Up and Lay Down (PULD) Cast, Dominant Side Starting with the fly at 35 ft. the angler will do a PULD cast in a nearly vertical plane (no false casting or hauling) returning the fly to within 2 ft. of the center of the 35 ft. target. FISHING APPLICATION The pick-up and lay-down cast incorporates the essentials for all casting skills and are often used in dry fly fishing B2. 35 ft. PULD Cast, Non-Dominant Side Starting with the fly at 35 ft. the angler will do a PULD cast with the rod tip and line traveling over the non-dominant shoulder, (no false casting) B6. Minimum 35 ft. Roll Cast, Dominant Side Starting with the fly at 35 ft. or more, the angler will perform a roll cast with line/leader landing relatively straight and within 2 ft. of either side of the tape. The D loop (back loop) should be formed by slowly dragging the line into position such that the fly and leader do not leave the water surface or grass. A roll cast tool is suggested if performed on grass or indoors. No hauling. FISHING APPLICATION The roll cast is an isolated forward cast with many uses, including removing slack, when there is no back-cast room, with heavy nymph rigs, and raising sunk lines and flies to the surface. B7. Distance to 50+ ft.

Cancellation Policy
At Kern River Fly Shop, we operate year-round with a group of professional, full-time fishing guides and instructors. When scheduling a fishing trip or class with us, we ask you to try to avoid canceling or rescheduling your fishing trip as this creates scheduling and booking conflicts with our guides and instructors. The cancellation and booking policy can be found below. This policy reflects the rights of Kern River Fly Fishing Inc, and applies to all of our fishing trips. We understand that unforeseen situations may arise beyond control which sometimes affects travel plans. We believe in a fair approach to cancellations. Our cancellation policy is such that it protects our guides’ livelihoods if a scheduled guide trip is canceled. In some situations, we will allow paid trips that were canceled to go towards future trip bookings. Only Kern River Fly Shop may cancel your guided trip prior to the scheduled date due to weather, river conditions, or mechanical breakdown. If you need to cancel a reservation and receive a refund of your deposit/payment, we must be notified at least 30 days prior to the trip. Should you need to cancel with less than thirty days notice, we will make every effort to rebook your spot on that particular trip date and refund your payment. However, if we are unable to find another client for your spot, we will not be able to return your payment and full payment will be required. Unfortunately, we cannot make any exceptions. We hope that you understand the necessity for this policy to ensure that we can continue to run our guide trips on a sound financial basis. We realize that emergencies do happen, and please know we will make every effort to re-book your spot, but if we don’t, we must uphold this policy, even in the case of an emergency. *Weather/Water cancellations are strictly at the guide’s discretion and are made to ensure a safe, successful trip.