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Kern River Fishing Report - Kern River / Lake Isabella / Lake Crowley 8-1-23

Kern River Flows are Slowly Decreasing and Will soon Provide More Access and Fishing Opportunites!

sequoia creeks
Mark Ramsey casts upstream and hooks into a fish during a Sequoia Creeks guided trip.


Kern River Fly Shop Podcast


California Creekin'

Creeks: While a few of the eleven creeks that we have been targeting this summer are starting to get a little low, most of them are still fishing good to excellent!! The dry fly bite has been solid with slightly warmer water. Most days we're fishing an Elk Hair Caddis, Elk Hair Skaddis or Para-Adams for plenty of action! Dry/dropper will get you a couple more grabs if you want to work the same spot after catching on dries or if they are stubborn to eat the dry. A #18 Hares Ears and Walt Worms is great for dropper action.

The South Fork is at 120cfs and fishing amazing for some dry/dropper action or prospecting with a bushy dry fly. The water is slightly off color, so start flashy flies like the Lightning Bugs or Slim Shinies as the dropper. Go with #10-14 Stimulators, Royal Wulffs and Elk Hair Caddis for prospecting with a single dry. A few runs and holes are deep enough for a bobber set up for a shot at a trophy brown!

sequoia creeks
Julian Reas and his father, Casey, spent time fishing creeks with guide Rob Buhler.

Gary Axelson proudly holds a German brown while on a guided trip with Rob Buhler on the Owens River.


Isabella Lake

Isabella Lake: The heavy, summer algae bloom across the whole lake makes any fly fishing attempts difficult. We're back to fishing the North Fork and feeder creeks regularly.The heavy, summer algae bloom across the whole lake makes any fly fishing attempts difficult. We're back to fishing the North Fork and feeder creeks regularly.

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Kern River Fishing Report

Upper Kern River - High Flows

Upper Kern River: Fishing and access along the North Fork are improving daily! Flows are down to 1,400cfs in town and 2,400cfs above Fairview Dam and the water is very clean. Concentrate on the tailouts, edge water and eddies. There is still alot of fast moving whitewater and heavy rapids, so please use extreme caution if recreating in or near the river!!! Access the river from gravel shoals with gradual slopes that keep you far away from heavy flows and potential danger. Do not wade above your knees or in swiftwater!!!! Hatchery fish were planted last week in section 4 and more should be coming each week. We have lots of options now, as we can fish nymphs deep under a bobber or use the dry/dropper and Euro techniques in the shallower slots behind the treeline and near shore. Stoneflies and flashy attractors will be nymphs of choice under an Air Lock or Oros bobber with an AB split or more. Pat's Rubber Legs, Yellow Sallies, Kauffie-Cup and Bucky Stones (8-12) will all draw attention from the fish, especially if paired with some Lightning Bugs, Slim Shiny Perdigons or Fire Perdigons (12-16). Go with the Streambank Hopper, Cicadacator or Fuzzy Wuzzy as your dry on the dry/dropper rig. As water clears the Hare's Ears, Walt's Worms and Frenchies will be great nymph choices if they aren't eating the flashy stuff.. Swinging streamers will give you a chance at a trophy while prospecting for average trout along the edges and eddies!! White Gamechangers, Beldar Buggers, and Tungsten Wooly Buggers are all solid options.

kern river
Guide Rob Buhler spent time scouting the Kern River and finding some areas that paid off.

kern river
A heatlhy rainbow caught in the Kern River as flows slowly make for better fishing conditions.


Kern River Wild Trout Section and Upstream

The Upper Kern River Wild Trout Section:

The stairs at the Johnsondale Bridge have been repaired.

Kern River Flows: 1605 cfs

Kern River Water temp: 60 degrees


Lower Kern River -

Lower Kern River is blown out!

Flows: 3667cfs

The Lower Kern is blown out at this time!

Lower Kern Flows outside the Kern Canyon

Crowley Lake
Jon Lukar proudly holds a nice sized brown during a guided trip with Rob Buhler on Crowley Lake.

Crowley Lake: There continues to be a solid late morning bite, despite the lack of midges hatching. Stay patient early and wait for the bite to improve after 9am and peak between 10-12am. Try Mcgee and Hilton Bays in 7-28ft of water. Rainbows and browns to 22" are the staple with an occasional cutthroat. It looks like there was a massive winter kill on the cutthroat with so few showing this summer. White bead flies like the Blue Blood Midge were getting steady action all week. Black (Copper Tiger and Zebra) midges are also go-to's, but a Copper/Olive was better this week. If you are not getting bit try going with smaller size #18-20 midges during the hatch. Some damselfly action too, so try a damsel nymph as your top fly. Perch fry season is right around the corner!!! Wooly Buggers, Beldar Buggers, leeches and Game Changers will get you bit if trolling in a tube. Our 18ft center console provides the perfect platform to fish the lake from!

crowley lake
Gary Axelson holds a beautiful brown he caught while on a guided trip on Crowley Lake with Rob Buhler.

Crowley Lake Tip: Locate weed free areas to anchor when fishing in shallow water of less than 18ft

Kern River and Lake Isabella fishing report by guide, Rob Buhler


Southern Sierra Weather 2023


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Guy Jeans School of Fly Fishing

Beginner #1 Fly Fishing Clinic - August 19th and September 16th

Fly Tying Class - August 19th and September 16th

Fly Fish the Surf Clinic in Ventura - August 26th

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bass fly fishing


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Episode #73 Spencer Barnitz - Spencer the Gardner

By Guy Jeans 8/1/23

Spencer Barnitz is the singer , songwriter and band leader of the legendary band Spencer the Gardner. Listen in on Guy's interview with Spencer as they talk about the Ventura /Santa Barbara music scene back in the 80's and 90's and todays current scene. Spencer talks about song writing, being in the music business currently and he also talks about some of the musicians in his band.



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